Co-creative workshop for developing next-generation governance recommendations

Coastal communities are grappling with challenges from the climate crisis, rural depopulation, and economic pressures. The BlueRev initiative addresses these issues by empowering coastal communities, reimagining policy frameworks and fostering adaptable governance structures. Recently, the Analysis of governance models in the pilot regions report (D3.4) was published. This report will serve as a foundation for generating recommendations to foster economic, ecological and social development within blue bio-economy value chains.

In co-creative workshops throughout the pilot regions, the RISE team currently involves stakeholders to validate and further develop the results from the D3.4 report. Furthermore, by envisioning futures, defining barriers and enablers, and outlining a series of actions for realising these futures, regional stakeholders are endorsed to reflect on the current governance structure in their region and encouraged to engage in formulating next-generation governance recommendations. Stakeholder engagement in designing the regional governance structure helps develop relevant and applicable governance recommendations that can act as a template beyond the pilot regions. Thus, the results from these workshops benefit communities beyond the scope of the BlueRev project.

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