WP1 D1.2 Data Management Plan

This deliverable describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by the BlueRev project. As part of making research data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), the Data Management Plan (DMP) provides a summary of the main elements to take into account in the definition of the BlueRev data management policy to be used by project partners throughout the project activities. The DMP will provide indications about the management of all the data generated during the project activities, including how data will be collected, managed, stored and made available during the project and how they will be shared upon BlueRev completion.
The DMP is a living document that will be updated during the project lifetime according to the project’s progresses and rising needs. A second version of BlueRev DMP will be provided at February 2024 (M18) and not only will describe the procedures applied, but it will provide more details about the long-term management and preservation of project data.

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