WP6 D6.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities
The objective of this deliverable is to provide a detailed overview of the dissemination, communication, and exploitation strategy that will be implemented during the BlueRev project. This strategy is integrated under WP6 Dissemination & Communication, exploitation and replication.
As WP6 leader, LOBA will be responsible for the overall management and support of activities defined under the present dissemination and communication plan, including monitoring the performance and developing the main dissemination and communication channels, tools and materials to be used during the project. In collaboration with Task 6.5, led by APRE (Exploitation manager), the present plan will also address the exploitation and sustainability strategy, aiming at ensuring the timely promotion of the project’s outcomes and engagement of parties outside the Consortium, interested in using or adopting them.
The Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication plan outlines a detailed planning of the dissemination and communication activities systematically, intending to perform actions and campaigns that reach specific groups and audiences for specific purposes. The first version of the exploitation and sustainability plan included in this document, provides the strategy, methodology, and tools to be implemented during the project to pave the way for the exploitation of its results.
The current version of the exploitation and sustainability plan also includes an overview of BlueRev´s Background and Foreground Intellectual Property and a preliminary screening of the project’s key exploitable results along with potential pathways for their exploitation (as identified by all partners using a dedicated tool, we dubbed as the IPR Matrix) as well as an individual exploitation plan per partner. The exploitable results of the project as well as the provisions pertaining to their exploitation will be updated during the project to deliver the “Final Exploitation and replication plan” (D6.5) in M36.
All partners will be actively involved in the dissemination, exploitation and communication actions implementation, and their involvement will contribute to satisfactory dissemination of the project’s objectives, activities, and results. In general, the expected contribution from partners is to:
- Implement publicity and dissemination campaigns in their own countries and at European level;
- Exploit their contacts and networks;
- Supply news and updates for the website and newsletter;
- Help to keep the project’s Social Media Accounts (SMAs) alive and active;
- Participate in relevant events to promote the project and its outcomes;
- Contribute with scientific papers acknowledging the BlueRev project.