WP6 D6.2 Updated plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities

This deliverable aims to present an updated version of the plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities and the associated actions that will be implemented during the BlueRev project. This document also presents an overview of the actions implemented during the first year of the project in comparison with the initial version of the dissemination & communication plan (D6.1 – Month 6). It builds on the original strategy set in M6, conducting an evaluation of the activities undertaken in the first year of the project and describing the focus of the dissemination during the second and third year.
In collaboration with Task 6.5, led by APRE (Exploitation manager), the present deliverable addresses the update plan for the exploitation and sustainability strategy, aiming at ensuring the timely promotion of the project’s outcomes and engagement of parties outside the Consortium, interested in using or adopting them.
In addition, this deliverable describes the updated action plan for support tool that will enable the BlueRev stakeholders to operate within the project goals of Piloting. The online tool is referred to as the result of the Task 2.3 Support tool (Task leader: LOBA, Partners involved: all) (M1-M36) but it was decided by the partnership, since it is developed by LOBA, that its initial steps (development, function etc) can be integrated in the CD&E deliverables.
The leader of WP6 (LOBA) is responsible for:
• the overall management and support of the activities defined under the present dissemination and communication plan and develop the main tools and materials to be used for the implementation of the plan.
• monitor the dissemination and communication activities, assessing the performance and identifying necessary corrective measures.
All the partners are also actively involved in conducting the assigned dissemination and communication actions and are highly committed to ensure a satisfactory dissemination of the project results. In general, the partners’ expected contribution is to:
a) support the communication and dissemination of the project with activities in their own countries among their contacts and networks;
b) provide news and updates for the website and newsletter;
c) help to keep the project’s social media accounts (SMAs) alive and active, by suggesting/providing relevant content to be posted on BlueRev social media by LOBA, and to post relevant content about the project on their own channels mentioning @BLUEREVEU;
d) Participate in relevant events to promote the project and its outcomes;
e) Contribute to the scientific papers mentioning the project.

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