Training directed to increase small-scale establishments in the blue bioeconomy

The kick-off of the task 5.2 “Training directed to increase small-scale establishments in the bioeconomy”, was successfully held on June 26, 2024, under the coordination of UNIPA partner, during the meeting “Blue resources and circular economy pathways as a solution to improve social and economic sustainability”, within the Forthem short-term mobility summer school on “Increasing skills on blue and circular economy through a co-creative approach applied to social/public engagement practices”.

This task aims to train master students, PhD students and enterprises, in the three pilot regions of the BlueRev project (Italy, Estonia and Denmark/Greenland) in exploring the close relationship between circularity and sustainability, starting from the sustainable use of aquatic resources, valorisation of by-products and importance for the local economy, in line with the SDG 2030 Agenda, to promote the concept of sustainable consumption and “turning waste into profit”.

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